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Homeopathy for Babies and Toddlers
1 Introduction to Homeopathy for Babies and Toddlers
1 Welcome (6:28)
Course notes
2 About me (5:45)
3 Why is homeopathy so useful for children (7:00)
4 What is a symptom (5:49)
5 What is Homeopathy (4:18)
6 Serious incidents (1:33)
2 Using Homeopathy at Home
1 When to use homeopathy at home (5:35)
2 When to get support from a homeopath (6:11)
3 What is different when treating babies and toddlers (5:02)
4 How to identify symptoms (13:17)
5 How to choose a remedy (9:12)
6 Dosage of remedies (6:40)
7 Choosing potency (3:15)
8 How to take and store remedies (4:25)
9 How to give a remedy to a newborn baby (2:58)
3 Common complaints for Babies and Toddlers
Introduction to common complaints for babies and toddlers (2:52)
1 Breastfeeding challenges (20:38)
2 Colic (8:03)
3 Common colds (10:23)
4 Conjuctivitis (4:01)
5 Constipation (6:34)
6 Coughs (6:54)
7 Cradle cap (4:01)
8 Cuts and Bruises (4:23)
9 Diarrhoea (4:30)
10 Fevers (7:21)
11 Jaundice (2:15)
12 Nappy rash (5:05)
13 Reflux and Vomiting (6:42)
14 Teething (5:28)
15 Tongue Tie Division (2:03)
4 Case studies
1 Common cold (6:55)
2 Teething (4:32)
2 About me
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