This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to use homeopathy for their young children.
It is also excellent for learning how to prescribe for acute situations.
Homeopathy can be used safely for your children, and it works very well alongside conventional medicines. This course will teach you what homeopathy is, and how it can be used effectively for acute situations for your baby or toddler.
In 32 easy-to-follow video lessons, we will cover:
- What is homeopathy and how it is useful for babies and toddlers
- How to use homeopathy at home for your children
- Common remedies and their symptoms for 15 of the main common complaints for babies and toddlers
- Case studies on using homeopathy for babies and toddlers.
The course includes a 40 page handout booklet that runs alongside it.
How the course works
- The course is made up of video lessons and a handout booklet for you to download
- The information is in small chunks, and is easily accessible
- The information starts at the very basics and builds up from that
- You can do this course any time that suits you
- You can keep come back to it for as long as you want to
- You can access the course on a phone, computer or tablet.
Making sure you're up to date
Once you have purchased this course you'll receive a couple of emails with details on how to access this.
You will also be sent emails on offers or new courses. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.
Your Instructor - Charlie Ellis-James
I’m a licensed homeopath with a specialism in supporting families and children. My passion is in building people’s understanding of health, so that they can confidently treat themselves and their family.
In this course I will share my knowledge and experience with you. We will start with the real basics of what homeopathy is, and how to use it. I will guide you through how to treat common complaints in the best way. You will grow in understanding and confidence in selecting remedies, using them, and knowing what to do when things change again.
For more information go to
" The course has given me the knowledge and confidence to use homeopathy with my baby. The course notes in particular have been really helpful to refer back to when I have experienced an issue that would like to use a remedy for. I would thoroughly recommend it. "
" This course was excellent. "
" Charlie is a great teacher. I found the course beneficial and enjoyable. "
Course Curriculum
- 1 When to use homeopathy at home (5:35)
- 2 When to get support from a homeopath (6:11)
- 3 What is different when treating babies and toddlers (5:02)
- 4 How to identify symptoms (13:17)
- 5 How to choose a remedy (9:12)
- 6 Dosage of remedies (6:40)
- 7 Choosing potency (3:15)
- 8 How to take and store remedies (4:25)
- 9 How to give a remedy to a newborn baby (2:58)
- Introduction to common complaints for babies and toddlers (2:52)
- 1 Breastfeeding challenges (20:38)
- 2 Colic (8:03)
- 3 Common colds (10:23)
- 4 Conjuctivitis (4:01)
- 5 Constipation (6:34)
- 6 Coughs (6:54)
- 7 Cradle cap (4:01)
- 8 Cuts and Bruises (4:23)
- 9 Diarrhoea (4:30)
- 10 Fevers (7:21)
- 11 Jaundice (2:15)
- 12 Nappy rash (5:05)
- 13 Reflux and Vomiting (6:42)
- 14 Teething (5:28)
- 15 Tongue Tie Division (2:03)
Do I need experience of Homeopathy to use this course?
No, none at all. I will teach you all you need to know.
Can I print out the notes for the course so I can write on them?
Absolutely, I think this is a great idea. The best way to use the notes is to print them off, and make your own notes as you go through the lessons and use the remedies.
What if I am unsatisfied with the course?
I only want to offer courses and services that are useful to people. If you are unsatisfied with the course, I will refund you in full within 30 days of purchasing it.